Léon de Caluwé is part time professor in management consultancy at the Vrije Universiteit in Amsterdam. He leads the Center for Research on Consultancy. He conducts research on roles, interventions and effects of management consultants.
Several research projects have been conducted. All of them in close cooperation with practicing consultants or firms.
In 2002 a large research project was conducted on the quality of management consultancy at the Dutch Government.
- Léon de Caluwé and Elsbeth Reitsma (2010): Competencies of management consultants.
In: Tony Buono and David Jamieson: Consultation for Organizational Change. Information Age Publishing. - Antonie van Nistelrooij, Léon de Caluwé and Nanja Schouten (2007): Management Consultants´ Colorful Ways of Looking at Change. In Journal of Change Management. Vol 17, nos 3-4, p. 243-254.
- Léon de Caluwé and Elsbeth Reitsma (2006): Which competencies do management consultants need? Paper for the academy of Management 2007.
- Léon de Caluwé and Annemieke Stoppelenburg (2004): Developing criteria for Effectiveness of Consultants’ work. Paper presented at the Lausanne Conference of the Management Consultancy Division of the Academy of Management.
- Léon de Caluwé, Frans Qué and Hans Vermaak (2004): Comparing Psychotherapists´ and Change Agents´ Approaches to Change. Reflections on Changing People and Changing Organizations.
In: Tony Buono: Creative Consulting. Innovative Perspectives on Management Consulting. Information Age Publishing.